Friday, 29 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge

Blogging has taken a series break!

Back soon.

(due to laziness & life getting in the way of blogs!!)

In the meantime perfect for today;

Thursday, 28 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 21 (late)

Favourite Actress.

This blog is blank.

Nothing to see here - move along.

No idea who my favourite actress is at all.

So here is some music from the gig I'm going to tonight instead!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 20

Favourite Actor.

Never really thought about having a favourite actor.

But I guess two characters I love greatly are played by the same actor. I have mentioned him before and his ability to play funny, emotional, brave & scared. So I guess he is my favourite actor!

He has made two films I think are fantastic - one I have already bogged about and the other is

So I guess my favourite film is from day 8 but equally I love the following;

My two Favourite characters -

Monday, 25 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 19

Favourite comic adaptation.

I love comics and superheroes. Since I was small and I saw Superman: The Movie I was hooked on comic book films.

As I grew up, The Incredible Hulk, Wonder-Woman, Batman all graced the T.V. screen. There were even some really awful Spider-man movies in the '70s and a Captain America adaptation.

I have two favourite super-heroes, Batman & Daredevil. They are from rival houses, DC & Marvel but they are equally cool. Batman just edges it for me as the coolest which is strange as DC for me have the least cool superheroes.

I mean look at this way, Marvel has X-Men, Spider-man, Iron Man, Thor, Daredevil etc.

DC gave us, Robin!, Supergirl! & Aquaman.

The movies have improved over the years, as much as I loved the original Superman films, Christopher Reeve convincing me at an early age that man could fly, the films have developed and enhanced way past these. In the case of Batman which we will arrive at shortly, I do still miss the Kapow sounds!

Graphic novels have also proved valuable for the movies, as 'Grown-up' comics these novels have produced some great movies - Kick Ass, one of my Top 5 films of all time. 300 - turned into a great movie. Watchmen, whilst very intense and hard going was well as intense and hard going as the graphic novel. Sin City was also a superb adaptation.

Films such as the Spider-man trilogy were spectacular to watch, Hellboy 1 & 2 has Ron Perlman in it - 'nuff said.

Superman returns was a great comeback for the franchise, even keeping the original music to create that hair-raising exciting feeling.

Ironman 1 & 2 were brilliant, Robert captures the character so well.

The original Batman movies were again a good start, Michael Keaton was a brilliantly dark and disturbed Batman as he should be. I can't bring myself to talk about the others, Val & George - you know your crimes.

For me then my favourite adaptation film has to be Batman Begins. Yes, yes, yes I do love Heath Ledger's The Joker - manic, psychotic and not camp like Jack's version. The Dark Knight is in itself a stunning film which captures the world of Batman superbly.

But it was Batman Begins which took us to this place first. It gave us the origin of the story, the creation of Batman, the dark almost insane mind of Bruce Wayne. The fine line walked by Bruce between right & wrong.

It got Batman spot on.

My hope for the third in the series is at a huge high, with the introduction of Bane and the possibility that the storyline of Knightfall could be visited, I am to say the least EXCITED!

Now some can criticise Christian Bale for the growling voice but hey its a comic book, he could talk like Joe Pasquale but with all that armour, gadgetry and cool cars - he would still be supercool. What adds to this is that when all said and done Batman has no superpowers, not one!

It is simply a mans will, dedication, intense training and lots of cash that gets him to where he needs to be, essentially any of us could be a superhero, oh wait that has been looked into and proved not that successful!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 18

A movie you wish more people would see.

Two choices here - first a marvellous 'vampire' tale which really just sums up a children's friendship so well. - the original & the best, pointless remakes ugh!

Mesrine - Vincent Cassel in this awesome gangster movie, set in two parts. You simply can't believe it all really happened.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 17

The movie that most disappointed.

Whilst my easiest choice here would be The Twiglet Saga: New Moon for the fact that for almost 2 hours virtually nothing happens except a yellow Porsche, one kinda fight and a very funny "Put the dog out" comment, I wasn't actually expecting much which means that although I use this opportunity to rant once more about it - I cannot choose it.

So this leaves me with the choice I have picked.

I'll start with two characters I do find funny, Jay & Silent Bob. I think Dogma is a classic film, witty & entertaining. Jay & Silent Bob are also very funny. I have seen extracts from Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back which have also amused me but I have not seen it from start to finish.

I spent a number of nights listening to their Podcast and marvelling at how Jason Mews (Jay) has fought his addictions and become sober, whilst somehow managing to stay alive. Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) is also a very funny man, writing some great films Zack & Miri as an example.

My problem here and my choice is Clerks.

Simply put, I just don't get it.

I have watched it many times, never actually getting to the end. There are some moments which make me smile, the store clerk discussing how many people him and his girlfriend have slept with is funny, Jay & Silent Bob do very little and the rest of the film just drags.

Now, some would accuse me of not liking the film because perhaps is is too "talky" - a charge that cannot be levied at me, I love Tarantino films where talking tends to be a focal point. Perhaps it is because it is filmed in black & white, once I again I refer you to my love of such films as Casablanca, Seven Samurai which are shot in B&W. This doesn't bother me at all.

It's just that I don't find it engaging. I don't care at all about the characters, I don't care about any plot, which it seems to be void of, and I don't find the talking funny.

I have to say that this film definitely disappoints me.

Sorry Mr. P. but this is another film that we must disagree on. - something that is funny!

Friday, 22 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 16

A movie you used to love but now hate.

Hungover today!

Absolutely no idea what to choose for this one, seriously no idea at all.

Instead the sunshine is out so I picked some tunes instead;

48 days & counting...

Thursday, 21 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 15

A character you can relate to the most.

Edward Cullen of course - I sparkle in the sunshine & I'm moody!!!

Just kidding (I have to keep moaning about sunbathing Vamps!)

I'm going for a character with personality, strong, caring & funny. An imposing figure and a loyal companion. Someone you would (hopefully) want by your side to back you up. And because of my beard I feel even closer to.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 14

The one they wouldn't expect you to love.

There are probably a few films in this category I could choose, perhaps 17 Again? Which was despite my pre-conceptions about Zac Efron laugh out loud funny, the landspeeder bed was a class moment.

Maybe I could choose Dirty Dancing, oh wait, of course I couldn't because I don't like it :-)

So what will I decide, well its a simple one today, a funny, emotional, musical.

A musical which deals with many issues from "being the odd one out", "not fitting the stereotype" and racism.

It is a truly enjoyable experience too -

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 13

Guilty Pleasure.

Gonna keep this one simple -

Soundtrack has Ice Cube on it - check!

Kind of Romeo & Juliet (see earlier posts) - check!

It's cheesy - check!

Monday, 18 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 12

A movie you hate.

Seriously I have no idea what to but on this one.

New Moon (Twiglet saga) I disliked, apart from the once decent fight the rest was pure unadulterated Emo moping and as for the end - jeez give me back my 2 hours.

Talking of 2 hours wasted, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was also mind numbingly dull. In the films defence I didn't manage to finish the book either.

Step Brothers - after being hassled by my brother-in-law to watch this, we turned it of after about 10 minutes - he even admitted that on reflection is was terrible.

As a movie fan I don't really ever hate a film. I may dislike it but hate is too strong a word.

So today has no choice, although

Star Wars Episode 3 was total sh1t!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 11

Movie that changed your opinion on something.

Well Titanic, which I have never watched, hasn't changed my opinion of Celine Dion, she's still awful.

Mamma Mia, which I just won't watch, wouldn't change my opinion of ABBA, I still hate them.

Pearl Harbor did change my opinion of movie making, realising that it is sometimes truly terrible, I mean Ben & Josh take on the whole Japanese army at the end single handedly it appears - duh!

At school teachers tried to teach me that one of our own countrymen was the definitive master in literacy. The Bard himself was the 'Don' in story telling. But there was a problem. Back in school Will just wasn't any good (IMHO).

I was taught that he wrote the best tragedies, developed the most intriguing thrillers, created the ultimate comedies (I never laughed once in a Shakespeare lesson).

I read, Twelfth Night, Midsummers Night Dream, Romeo & Juliet to name but a few. I even went to the RSC theatre to watch a play and to Hidcote Gardens to see an outdoor production, but I just didn't get it.

It was if anything slightly better than Chaucer (he still can't spell!) but it just didn't appeal.

When I first heard about the Romeo & Juliet film with Leo & Clare I was very apprehensive. I think if I'm honest the music soundtrack sold me on the idea, it had Radiohead on the soundtrack so it must have been worth a watch.

And it was. I loved it, I have blogged about it before and whilst I do not claim to understand in an instant all Shakespearian dialect & prose I have watched it many, many times (even forgetting the ending once!).

It is a superb film and one of my recommendations. I also loved Romeo Must Die too, same story just a little updated. I will however draw the line at Gnomeo & Juliet - tripe!

Never managed the ballet but that's something else to overcome.

I am looking forward to watching the new Tempest film and I guess therefore film has changed my opinion about our dear Bard.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 10

Favourite Classic.

Loads of old films that I enjoy. The classics are truly a movie fans 'porn' for want of a better description. If you love movies then you have to love the classics, not all of them of course, I mean I don't like The Sound of Music (I've never seen it!!) or have ever got into Raging Bull (sorry Miss P.).

Now, who decides what a classic is I personally believe is up for debate. There are some movies which are already classics in my opinion - Reservoir Dogs - for example is a classic but I bet some would argue that it is too young. Star Wars is a classic - that'll be the first one episode 4 onwards, not the terrible unforgivable episodes 1-3. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy has got to be a classic set of movies by now, Fast & Furious series maybe not (I do love them though!).

Is Kick-Ass a classic? To me yes, it is truly a perfect example of a pulp movie which does everything right in its genre.

But down to business, the classics (as defined by others).

The Magnificent Seven - the first one, none of the sequels -

Shane - a wonderful story -

Psycho - the classic thriller/horror -

It's a Wonderful Life - beautiful -

Seven Samurai - the original Magnificent Seven -

For me though it has to be the best love story which never really happens, a superbly shot, filmed and acted piece of pure classic movie making - cool, funny, sad & thrilling - simply perfect;

Friday, 15 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 9


My favourite topics mixed together perfectly - movies & music.

So it would be no surprise that I have loads of favourite soundtracks - As is my want (& it is my blog) I am going to list a few (not re-listing The Crow but it is one of my favourites - see challenge day 5); - classic! - another classic! - really want this film on Blu Ray - brilliant album - The Faculty (in case you were wondering) - great film - great clip!

Man I could go on and on.

If I had to choose a favourite soundtrack though, it would be the one seminal album which I think almost everyone I know owned a copy of, dated a girl too and loved the film just as much.

Could've picked any tune but why not pick the cheesiest one

"I feel the need, the need for speed"

Thursday, 14 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 8

Countless viewings.

Too many to list plus some are being used for later challenge days.

For today then, I'm going to pick Blade Runner.

It's not just that there are about a zillion versions of the film that means I have seen it a zillion times. There is "The Final Cut (2007)", "U.S. Theatrical Cut (1982), "International Theatrical Cut (1982)", "Director's Cut (1992)".

To me the original Theatrical Cut is still my favourite, the voiceover, which many dislike, brings for me something extra to the film, like a good old fashioned detective film, Philip Marlowe style.

The film for me is a great taught thriller with some stellar performances particularly from Rutger Hauer and Harrison Ford.

For me Harrison Ford is one of my favourite actors, he can show all emotions. What I have always admired is the way he can capture pain and suffering as an actor, something he proves at the end of Blade Runner very well.

The final scene between Rutger & Harrison is one of my favourite all time scenes and I urge you to watch it. - SPOILER ALERT - only watch if you have seen the film.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 7

Plot Twist

Obvious choice - The Usual Suspects -

My choice - Saw - totally blew me away at the end -

Not plot spoilers here.

Twist -

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 6

Favourite made for TV movie.

Wow, this is a hard choice. I don't really know many made for TV movies. There are of course all the movies which you see on Sky, the True Movies channel never ceases to amaze me with the tripe it shows.

Then there is the SyFy channel which has lots of monster movies on it, you know the ones Mega Huge Dung Beetle vs Massive Giant Daddy Log-Legs destroys Skegness.

So finding a TV movie was really hard and therefore I have cheated a little. I have chosen Episode 107 from one of my favourite TV series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. And, to prove that this is not just because of Buffy & Faith, I really enjoyed Angel the TV series too.

So it's not exactly feature length but did come in at circa 50mins, which when you consider that most american shows nowadays without ad breaks reach about 42 minutes is respectable.

So Buffy fought demons and vampires. These vampires were the traditional type, you know the ones that cannot under any circumstances stand in the sunlight - VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE - FACT!!! The trade-of for immortality (except beheading, fire and stakes) has to be at least not being able to have a normal life which must mean no sunbathing.

Buffy and here gang were the odd ones, the misfits really and the series was hugely successful and simply an enjoyment to watch. The tortured love story between Angel & Buffy was great, throw in some Spike for good measure and you got a great cocktail mix. The man from the coffee adverts and Merlin was great too!

So what made this episode special. To be honest it was simply different. The whole episode was sung after a spell caused the town, therefore the gang, to sing. Not just sing, the had to sing their feelings too.

The songs were catchy, the voices surprisingly good and the episode was funny, start to finish. It also contained some deeper meanings and some emotional moments for the characters.

If you haven't seen the series but wanted to see a different episode, seek out this one.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer R.I.P. 1997 - 2003 (144 episodes) - sadly missed. - laugh when Spike says "Bugger This" :-) - couldn't resist this

Monday, 11 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 5

Favourite movie love story.

I was going to choose Romeo & Juliet - the Baz Luhrmann version which I think is fabulous. I remember watching it again a few years back and Mrs. Nik came home and said, "Why are you watching that again, they both die at the end so you know what happens!" - whoops SPOILER ALERT!!!

I said, "Bloody hell" - I had genuinely got caught up in the story once again and had forgotten! Duh.

The story I am choosing for this one has to be one of my favourite films. It stars the son of a legend who also died before their time like his father.

It is a love story from start to finish, a revenge movie but with heart, a movie with comic undertones but filled with sadness. It overcomes the sadness with hope and love prevails in the end.

Now, I'm not considered 'an old romantic' but I love this film. The graphic novel it comes from is also one of the best graphic novels I have read.

The soundtrack also rocks!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 4

A movies which makes you sad.

There are couple of movies which make me sad - Mamma Mia is one, Dirty Dancing is another and Titanic, ooh and Pearl Harbour are the others.

What makes me sad is that they made them!!!!

No being serious for a moment, one film immediately sprung to mind when I saw this category.

It is a children's film and for me it should come with a huge warning notice. I have seen it only once and can not nor will not ever watch it again. I didn't cry, but the emotions were high. The story left me feeling so depressed and saddened that it has possibly traumatised me for life (ok that bit is an exaggeration).

It is however deeply sad and took me by total surprise.

Mrs. Nik tells me that children would cope better with the storyline as they can process things better than adults - I'll just have to trust that instinct.

Watch this film with tissues and be warned.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 3

A movie that makes you really happy.

All of my favourite movies make me happy to watch them.

There are those that I really enjoy because they give you a great felling, perhaps a great comedy or a great upbeat ending.

Some comedy films like; Trains, Planes & Automobiles - makes me laugh all the time. Tropic Thunder - what a film, Les Grossman performance sublime.

One that I really enjoy watching and is full of funny lines, great story and some really good action is

Friday, 8 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 2 (late!)

The most underrated movie.

Now despite last nights conversation where someone tried to convince me that The Guardian with Ashton Rubbish & Kevin 'must have been skint' Costner was an underrated film, this has not made the choice. The very convincing "It's like Top Gun but with Life Guards", was a brave effort but no way is it underrated, it's just not very good lol

So I have been looking through all of my film collection to find one which is underrated. I mean one that remains so rather than something like The Matrix which the critic initially panned and then embraced or The Shawshank Redemption which flopped at cinemas only to embraced on the DVD market.

The one film that comes back to me all the time whenever I see it in the shops or on the television is the Michael Mann film Miami Vice.

Now I saw this at the cinema with my closest friends and we were all very excited having grown up with the original 'no sock' wearing detective Crocket - mmm that's another fine pastel pink t shirt you are wearing detective.

The cinema edition updated with very cool soundtrack, glossy clothes, fast cars, brilliant guns and nice set pieces isn't without it's flaws.

Colin's hair for example - wow!

The annoying love story - duh!

The way it just starts with no background and simply assumes everyone has done their homework - arrogance perhaps?

But the truth is, even after leaving the cinema with that hmm, that was ok feeling. Slightly let down but still slightly thrilled.

I have watched the film at least three more times and that is something considering it originally got a 'Meh' reaction.

To be honest, it's the action sequences, the shotgun blasts, the use of the sniper rifle to surgically remove an arm, and the set piece in the trailer. It's an action flick that still holds up. So they took a boat all the way to Cuba for Mojitos which wasted a good 20 mins of the film - it redeems itself with some action afterwards.

Not a classic by any stretch but perhaps underrated or maybe it's just that remakes or reinterpretations of childhood classics never deliver the memories. - still a classic - bang - you're out!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 1

Best movie I saw in the last year.

I love movies, fact! I love them almost as much as I like music. Over the years I have accumulated a vast collection of VHS, DVD & Blu Ray copies of my favourite films. Some, as you will discover as we head through the next challenge, I have on all three formats!

Over the last year there have been some great movies.

Toy Story 3 for example which I have still yet to watch despite having it on Blu Ray. There was Inception, a film so hyped that although I enjoyed it, I felt a small amount of disappointment - too much hype can ruin and good thing.

There was The Expendables, a nostalgic throwback to all things 80's & 90's action and whilst I admit the dialogue is not overly impressive, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

There was The Book of Eli, The Town & Salt, all of which were fabulous.

We also saw another year of the remake or reboot or reinterpretation, however the studios wish to dress up the money making scheme.

The A-Team - made for the cinemas - meh! 3 out of 5 in my humble opinion.

The Karate Kid, not remade with Kung-Fu, I really liked it and shock horror preferred it to the original - I never did like the Ralph Macchio character.

Clash of The Titans - whatever, dull, dull, dull.

So what was the best film I saw in the last year? 

Ever since the announcement of the movie I became taken by the premise. Normal guy, bit geeky, decides that someone, that is someone normal could be a super-hero. Simple idea, one that most children have dreamt about right?

The graphic novel & the movie then go through all the situations and emotions to prove that this task is hardly an easy one - if it was then wouldn't everyone do it?

The graphic novel was superb, leaving the lead character Dave fumbling around trying to fit in and well to be honest unlike the movie failing miserably. I loved the book a great deal.

The movie? It was fantastic!

The emotion throughout the film is strong. The action, the comedy, the style of the film are brilliant.

The actors play the characters so well and particularly Chloe who plays Hit-Girl really steals the show. There was controversy of course that a 13 year old girl could use such language, but she's much younger in the book lol

The soundtrack is moving and suits the film perfectly and I urge you to seek out the movie score not just the artist soundtrack.

Kick-Ass has become one of my top favourite films of all time.

Simply put I love it.

"With no power - comes no responsibility"

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 30 (1 day late!)

So this is it, the end of the 30 Day Song Challenge. In a way I'm kind of sad (not for doing it thank you!) as it has been great fun writing and rediscovering music from my past.

I've revisited some 'Hair Metal', enjoyed some Rap music once more and continued to play my favourites.

This last challenge wants me to think back this time last year and choose a favourite song from what is now April 2010.

Looking through the album releases in April 2010, I know for certain that no favourite songs came from releases by Kate Nash, Foxy Shazam (!?) or Meatloaf (still releasing records).

So what was released that I listened to and very much enjoyed.

Well, Cancer Bats are first in my mind, their cover of a classic Beastie's tune is great

Then there were the Welsh giants with a great comeback album after the last poor attempt, picking a song of Fever is hard but it will probably be

I'm kind of cheating really with the above as they were released in April and not technically before the 5th April 2010!

Continuing with the cheating then was an album which I played over and over again. Not only did it have some truly stand out tracks, it featured artists given an opportunity to break away from their normal roles. The writer and creator played one of my favourite Download Festival sets ever and proved that with a great singer - you only need Slash and nobody needs Axl.

I have many favourite songs on this album but the one I'm choosing is simply based on the video ;-)

Also, I think Fergie would do much better in a Rock band than in BEP.

So that's it, the end of the 30 Day Challenge. I'm off to hunt for a new challenge as I quite like this writing lark.

Thanks for reading dudes and dudettes.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 29

A song from your childhood.

So many I could choose here. There were many songs played to me as a child and many I remember with mixed feelings.

My choice for this has to be the reason I choose to adopt Nik rather than Nick -

Beerman Presents - 2nd April 2011

So last night a group of us headed off to a small pub in Digbeth, Birmingham.

The aim of the evening, to drink some beer, listen to some metal bands and generally have a good social time.

As luck would have it, the plan came together in a very A-Team manner.

Firstly, we had no idea where the pub was, and if you don't know Digbeth, there are a lot of pubs. The keen eyed amongst us spotted the pub at the end of a side street as we headed up the main Digbeth drag. First part of the plan completed, pub found. Second part, locate a suitable & free parking space - something which was achieved with little difficulty. In fact had we headed for the pub we would have found one right outside it too - second part complete.

The pub is a small venue, built it would seem with gigs in mind. The Old Wharf has a great atmosphere and the sound generated by the gig system proved to be well worth the visit. The only cripe was that the beer was no way near cold enough and the luke warm bottles became a drag as the evening progressed.

Despite the often luke warm beer the music did not disappoint.

First on the bill were the band I had really gone to support - I Hate You More.

I have seen this band three or four times now and they have never disappointed. The energy in their set is extreme and they are as tight as a band can be delivering a blistering set.

Their set was hampered by a technical fault with Nick's guitar and I really felt for them as they had already delivered some totally awesome tunes. However the band proved to be total professionals as in a masterstroke "Chilli" Phil stepped away from his guitar, handed it to Nick and proceeded the rest of the set guitar free and very energetically commanded the stage as a great frontman. Nick appeared completely un-phased and proved to everyone what a player he is.

From the first time I saw this band there were a number of key things which came to mind, here are my views;

As a unit they are as tight as any major label band. The drumming, provided by the tour da force that is Bez, is powerful to say the least. Animal from the muppets mixed with Lars & Joey, the beats and the bass which you feel every hit in your solar plexus. Last time I felt this kind of energy was at a Gojira show.

Couple together Bez with the talents of Greg on the bass guitar and you have a rhythm section worthy of any metal band.

It is far to say that the band contain a true Yin & Yang within the group, for Bez there is Greg and for Phil there is Nick.

The two defining styles of calm and mania shape the band and create the perfect unit.

Phil's vocals were the best I have ever heard last night and his screams have developed, if it was at all possible, even more power. Nick & Phil's guitar work is sublime, face melting brutal riffs which make you want to immediately pick up and instrument and play. The immediate interaction with the crowd and the songs means that it is impossible not to bang your head.

Despite technical issues - the crowd were supportive to the end, the head bangers and moshers were ever present throughout the set and the audience chanted the choruses with passion - 5/5

Next on the bill were Reflection In Exile -

A metal band from Co. Durham who I was told travelled down with all the kit and all the band members in one Ford Mondeo!

Their set was blistering from start to finish mixing all genres of my favourite metal bands. Influences of thrash metal merged together with Hardcore and Metalcore. Searing vocals of brutal proportions propelled the band through a well received set.

The hand bangers continued to perform to each song, the band maintained the energy throughout the set. The frontman, Carl I believe had a command of the audience and who often spoke in soft North-East tones between songs then went on to rip our ears off (in a good way!).

The bass player broke a string early in the set but no one would have noticed as nothing could hinder what turned out to be a great metal performance. Comparisons to Lamb of God were immediate and this can only be a compliment. Certainly a band I would see again and I hope they do well - I heard that Bloodstock might be on the cards and I wish them all the luck - I even bought their CD on the night. Another 5/5.

After these two bands the evening turned quickly into more alcohol and discussion, mainly outside in the cool night air and so a review of the last two bands would be unfair as I only heard a few songs.

All in all a storming night, personally for me the two bands that started the evening should have been the two bands finishing the evening and they would make a great touring combination moving forward.

Part three of the plan - perfectly executed!

All hail to the metal \m/

Saturday, 2 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 28

A Song that makes you feel guilty.

I might have to refer you to Day 23 for this one. - Not agreeing to having Aerosmith makes me feel a little bit guilty but it did help me escape slow dancing!

The only song/artist I can think of which makes me feel guilty, it stems from my youth and involves VW badges;

Friday, 1 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 27

The song you wish you could play.

To be honest - any guitar solo.

I never learnt to play lead guitar so have always just persevered with rhythm. I've tried tablature and had limited success with some riffs and song openings but have never mastered the art of soloing.

There are so many brilliant songs I would love to be able to play; - it's an all time classic & about 30 of their other songs!

All Trivium & Slayer and - a masterpiece.

But the one I really want to play, the daddy of all guitar hero songs & with zero chance of ever nailing this - - sounds great live too.