The most underrated movie.
Now despite last nights conversation where someone tried to convince me that The Guardian with Ashton Rubbish & Kevin 'must have been skint' Costner was an underrated film, this has not made the choice. The very convincing "It's like Top Gun but with Life Guards", was a brave effort but no way is it underrated, it's just not very good lol
So I have been looking through all of my film collection to find one which is underrated. I mean one that remains so rather than something like The Matrix which the critic initially panned and then embraced or The Shawshank Redemption which flopped at cinemas only to embraced on the DVD market.
The one film that comes back to me all the time whenever I see it in the shops or on the television is the Michael Mann film Miami Vice.
Now I saw this at the cinema with my closest friends and we were all very excited having grown up with the original 'no sock' wearing detective Crocket - mmm that's another fine pastel pink t shirt you are wearing detective.
The cinema edition updated with very cool soundtrack, glossy clothes, fast cars, brilliant guns and nice set pieces isn't without it's flaws.
Colin's hair for example - wow!
The annoying love story - duh!
The way it just starts with no background and simply assumes everyone has done their homework - arrogance perhaps?
But the truth is, even after leaving the cinema with that hmm, that was ok feeling. Slightly let down but still slightly thrilled.
I have watched the film at least three more times and that is something considering it originally got a 'Meh' reaction.
To be honest, it's the action sequences, the shotgun blasts, the use of the sniper rifle to surgically remove an arm, and the set piece in the trailer. It's an action flick that still holds up. So they took a boat all the way to Cuba for Mojitos which wasted a good 20 mins of the film - it redeems itself with some action afterwards.
Not a classic by any stretch but perhaps underrated or maybe it's just that remakes or reinterpretations of childhood classics never deliver the memories. - still a classic - bang - you're out!
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