Tuesday, 12 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 6

Favourite made for TV movie.

Wow, this is a hard choice. I don't really know many made for TV movies. There are of course all the movies which you see on Sky, the True Movies channel never ceases to amaze me with the tripe it shows.

Then there is the SyFy channel which has lots of monster movies on it, you know the ones Mega Huge Dung Beetle vs Massive Giant Daddy Log-Legs destroys Skegness.

So finding a TV movie was really hard and therefore I have cheated a little. I have chosen Episode 107 from one of my favourite TV series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. And, to prove that this is not just because of Buffy & Faith, I really enjoyed Angel the TV series too.


So it's not exactly feature length but did come in at circa 50mins, which when you consider that most american shows nowadays without ad breaks reach about 42 minutes is respectable.

So Buffy fought demons and vampires. These vampires were the traditional type, you know the ones that cannot under any circumstances stand in the sunlight - VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE - FACT!!! The trade-of for immortality (except beheading, fire and stakes) has to be at least not being able to have a normal life which must mean no sunbathing.

Buffy and here gang were the odd ones, the misfits really and the series was hugely successful and simply an enjoyment to watch. The tortured love story between Angel & Buffy was great, throw in some Spike for good measure and you got a great cocktail mix. The man from the coffee adverts and Merlin was great too!

So what made this episode special. To be honest it was simply different. The whole episode was sung after a spell caused the town, therefore the gang, to sing. Not just sing, the had to sing their feelings too.

The songs were catchy, the voices surprisingly good and the episode was funny, start to finish. It also contained some deeper meanings and some emotional moments for the characters.

If you haven't seen the series but wanted to see a different episode, seek out this one.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer R.I.P. 1997 - 2003 (144 episodes) - sadly missed.



http://youtu.be/rzY0VuS2pc0 - laugh when Spike says "Bugger This" :-)

http://youtu.be/xYS-7mqpc7w - couldn't resist this

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