Saturday, 16 April 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 10

Favourite Classic.

Loads of old films that I enjoy. The classics are truly a movie fans 'porn' for want of a better description. If you love movies then you have to love the classics, not all of them of course, I mean I don't like The Sound of Music (I've never seen it!!) or have ever got into Raging Bull (sorry Miss P.).

Now, who decides what a classic is I personally believe is up for debate. There are some movies which are already classics in my opinion - Reservoir Dogs - for example is a classic but I bet some would argue that it is too young. Star Wars is a classic - that'll be the first one episode 4 onwards, not the terrible unforgivable episodes 1-3. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy has got to be a classic set of movies by now, Fast & Furious series maybe not (I do love them though!).

Is Kick-Ass a classic? To me yes, it is truly a perfect example of a pulp movie which does everything right in its genre.

But down to business, the classics (as defined by others).

The Magnificent Seven - the first one, none of the sequels -

Shane - a wonderful story -

Psycho - the classic thriller/horror -

It's a Wonderful Life - beautiful -

Seven Samurai - the original Magnificent Seven -

For me though it has to be the best love story which never really happens, a superbly shot, filmed and acted piece of pure classic movie making - cool, funny, sad & thrilling - simply perfect;


  1. Cheese and bread dude! My eyes my eyes-how could you say such a thing about Raging Bull?! You should be sorry. It's ok, yet again: I forgive you Dread! xxx

  2. I've just never managed top get into it - always got stuck at the beginning with the family issues section! Must try harder.
