Saturday, 3 March 2012

The amazing months that led to pain. Ouch.

So the last two months have been amazing. On January 3rd 2012 our life changed forever, for the better. We became parents to our beautiful amazing boy, William.

Adapting to fatherhood is part of the challenge, your Xbox takes a back seat, buying Blu Ray discs to watch is a crazy notion, heading out for drinks and or food, seriously!? It takes 4 attempts to watch a programme, thank you Sky+ pause and watch facility.

But you know what?  As a friend (!/Shugga_GB) of mine said "you now have the best gadget possible ". He's not wrong.

Two months has flown by, the changes are gobsmacking, every day he looks different,  each day something different happens. A change in his cry, a smile,  perhaps even a giggle.

So to celebrate his birth I wanted a tattoo. It's taken me forever to get one having always been interested in them. The artist work is amazing in many tattoos, they are seriously talented people.

Years ago I accompanied my mate to get his first tattoo, in he went, out he came, inked and in pain.

For me getting a tattoo has been something I have toyed with for a long time but the priority for me was it needed to represent something to me.

I could have chosen many things through my years, a tattoo of my favourite band, dangerous as this could change, your girlfriend's name, yeah right, do people still do this one!?

To be honest I have never known what to have. When the little man arrived it was the event I had been waiting for.

So why a star?

A number of reasons really, firstly, he is and always will be our little star: fact. The week he was born we were watching stargazing live, his nursery furniture etc is 'wish upon a star' and he was bought his own named star in the Capricornus constellation by his Aunty Laura!/_Lalabum

So I went with moral support from Mr. P (!/Venron_Uk) to VividInk Birmingham ( and experienced the most pain I have ever felt! It wasn't their fault at all, its just that the descriptions from others about being tattooed didn't quite come close to the reality lol The very first line drawn felt like a knife being drawn down my arm, I honestly wondered if I could survive it. Having said that one line would have looked stupid!

I am so pleased with the result and it will be with me forever, a constant symbol of my love for him and his mother - turn the 'W' upside down for an 'M'. Thanks VividInk - great job. :-)

Will I end up with a sleeve? The pain may restrict that idea (man up!) Probably not. Although I'm already planning the next ones - tattoos that is!

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