Tuesday, 19 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

♥♥♥ Favourite Romantic Show ♥♥♥

I've watched a number of shows which involve romance. None of these I would particularly call a Romantic show.

Starting with Buffy The Vampire Slayer, oh way back when. She was born a 'Slayer' which meant that she had the power to destroy evil. The evil we speak of here consists of demons and vampires amongst other-worldly entities. So whilst fighting the ever present evil, after all the town of Sunnydale was built on the 'Hell Mouth' from where all evil comes; naturally. Buffy falls in love. Who does she fall in love with? Her classmate, her best mate (ooh that would've been a very different show), a teacher - of course not, a Vampire - the ever dashing Angel. 

You know there's nothing like forbidden love to carry a series through. After Angel, who of course remains her one 'True' love she also had a fling with Spike - you guessed it, another Vampire. If it worked once hey!

So forbidden love rules the day, a recipe for success it seems and one that is found in another of my favourite TV series. This one is very much more adult in nature, Blood, sex (lots!), bad language and once again forbidden love. True Blood has taken the story and created a magical world which twists and turns like a rollercoaster. I have spoken before of this so will not bore you again.

There have been other romances which move in and out of the programmes I enjoy. Everyone remember The X-Files?, Mulder & Scully? Will they, won't they? We had to wait for the movie to actually see the relationship reach a conclusion. I guess that for some series once the main characters have 'gotten together' where does the story lead? If you take House as an example - wow! (No spoilers as always but I encourage to watch and learn about main characters in relationships).

There was once series that took the characters relationship and developed the whole programme around it.

Lois & Clark; The New Adventures of Superman took the relationship beyond the movies. It followed the comics. You see in the movies (R.I.P. Christopher Reeve) Lois and Clark. a.k.a. Superman (oh I hope I didn't just create a spoiler for someone!) got together which we as the audience had always wanted but by the power of mind control and emotional kisses all was forgotton - sorry what was I typing about!?

In Lois & Clark, they are together- Brilliant! As it should be. So the series relies not only on The Man of Steel and his saving of the world but how this impacts on the relationship and the influence it has.

One of my favourite Superman books - get it here --->The Death and Life of Superman by Roger Stern http://t.co/OMT1rMJ tells the story, well the title is obvious. In the book, Lois & Clark are married which again adds a new dimension to the story many of us have only experienced through the movies.

Whilst I mention books, there is a very exciting movie due out next year http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/. In the movie we will see Bane who in another of my favourite books plays a major role Batman: Knightfall by Denny O'Neil http://t.co/C5mZOBO

So TV shows have kept up the romance for a number of my favourite shows, even Gil in CSI got married.

Do I have a favourite Romance Tv program? I'm not sure I do. I just have lots of series in which romance plays to a larger or lesser extent a part of the drama, action or comedy.


http://youtu.be/HMPJT0NzJIs - I guess ultimately this will always be my favourite love story.

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