Wednesday, 27 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Today we're talking Sci-Fi and Fantasy favourites.

Now being as I am a Sky+ HD (showing off now!) subscriber I appreciate that for 'Fantasy TV' we've come along way since The Red Shoe Diaries; oh wait, it's not that kind of fantasy.

I'll get the negatives out of the way first so that we can finish on a positive. I had high expectations for Game of Thrones. I like Sean Bean, he plays good gritty characters. I liked the crisp clean and stunning settings, particularly as the HD showed them off very well. I enjoyed the first episode, the scene setting, the introduction of characters and the adult nature of the series. Too often, fantasy series get cleaned up for a mass market but Game of Thrones was going to be firmly in the adult camp.

Here was my problem - I can understand an epic, sweeping series needing to establish characters. I understand that we need to know about the politics, honestly I get that. I like The Godfather so political character driven pieces are not an issue. But and it is a big BUT, Game of Thrones seemed to move along at one pace, continuing to seemingly just build characters and politics and just never get going. For me it just didn't hold my attention.

As for my next choice I was guilty of writing this off in it's first series.

Spartacus : Blood & Sand was in my opinion when I first watched the opening episode a complete mess. The acting came across as terrible. The sex was turned up to 11, the violence was up to 11 - actually these two elements are way above 11 now I look back. It was somewhat like watching a poor mans '300'.

So after the first episode I stopped watching it.

Fast forward to a few months later and Spartacus : Gods of the Arena arrives. I Sky+'d, I watched and I admitted I was wrong. Although this was a prequel, it for me showed the series in a better light. For one thing, the acting was much better, it's not going to win an Emmy but its was better. The sex and violence was still way up the scale and the language would make sailors blush. I think I might have liked living as a Roman!

I watched the series and got caught up in the characters, rooting for my favourites and wishing the demise of those I disliked and there are plenty of those. Thankfully Sky decided to play the prequel immediately followed by that original Blood & Sand series so I was able to re-watch and persevere with the whole second, which is actually the first, series (if that makes any sense!)

Masses of sex, a swear word every 5 minutes, naked men, naked women, battles galore, backstabbing (literally), blood, guts and more blood - what's not to enjoy.

What has come along since, well I'm loving Torchwood and Falling Skies has definitely got the makings of one of my favourite series, we will see as it progresses - it is after all enjoyable watching Dr. Carter kick some alien ass!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

♥♥♥ Favourite Romantic Show ♥♥♥

I've watched a number of shows which involve romance. None of these I would particularly call a Romantic show.

Starting with Buffy The Vampire Slayer, oh way back when. She was born a 'Slayer' which meant that she had the power to destroy evil. The evil we speak of here consists of demons and vampires amongst other-worldly entities. So whilst fighting the ever present evil, after all the town of Sunnydale was built on the 'Hell Mouth' from where all evil comes; naturally. Buffy falls in love. Who does she fall in love with? Her classmate, her best mate (ooh that would've been a very different show), a teacher - of course not, a Vampire - the ever dashing Angel. 

You know there's nothing like forbidden love to carry a series through. After Angel, who of course remains her one 'True' love she also had a fling with Spike - you guessed it, another Vampire. If it worked once hey!

So forbidden love rules the day, a recipe for success it seems and one that is found in another of my favourite TV series. This one is very much more adult in nature, Blood, sex (lots!), bad language and once again forbidden love. True Blood has taken the story and created a magical world which twists and turns like a rollercoaster. I have spoken before of this so will not bore you again.

There have been other romances which move in and out of the programmes I enjoy. Everyone remember The X-Files?, Mulder & Scully? Will they, won't they? We had to wait for the movie to actually see the relationship reach a conclusion. I guess that for some series once the main characters have 'gotten together' where does the story lead? If you take House as an example - wow! (No spoilers as always but I encourage to watch and learn about main characters in relationships).

There was once series that took the characters relationship and developed the whole programme around it.

Lois & Clark; The New Adventures of Superman took the relationship beyond the movies. It followed the comics. You see in the movies (R.I.P. Christopher Reeve) Lois and Clark. a.k.a. Superman (oh I hope I didn't just create a spoiler for someone!) got together which we as the audience had always wanted but by the power of mind control and emotional kisses all was forgotton - sorry what was I typing about!?

In Lois & Clark, they are together- Brilliant! As it should be. So the series relies not only on The Man of Steel and his saving of the world but how this impacts on the relationship and the influence it has.

One of my favourite Superman books - get it here --->The Death and Life of Superman by Roger Stern tells the story, well the title is obvious. In the book, Lois & Clark are married which again adds a new dimension to the story many of us have only experienced through the movies.

Whilst I mention books, there is a very exciting movie due out next year In the movie we will see Bane who in another of my favourite books plays a major role Batman: Knightfall by Denny O'Neil

So TV shows have kept up the romance for a number of my favourite shows, even Gil in CSI got married.

Do I have a favourite Romance Tv program? I'm not sure I do. I just have lots of series in which romance plays to a larger or lesser extent a part of the drama, action or comedy. - I guess ultimately this will always be my favourite love story.

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Special offer today - Two for One.

The categories covered today will be best comedy TV and best Action TV.

I'll start with best comedy and you will understand why I'm offering a 'two for one' special with this blog.

The simple fact is that since Scrubs stopped there has been a void in our lives, I feel I can include you all collectively in these blogs now. So it was with great delight that the makers of Scrubs created a new masterpiece.

I will sum up my favourite comedy TV show with two words;

'Penny Can'

For more information please review the following

So now to favourite Action TV.

Being a bloke, I like action stuff. (and yes I am aware that this is not an exclusive male liking). Whether it be Action Man (more of in a moment), He-Man or X-Men, action has always been on my TV screen. Childhood favourites were of course The A-Team, lots of action, explosions, making things from stuff and of course the 'no death' policy. There was Knightrider a.k.a. The Hoff & His Car, naturally the car, K.I.T.T. was the star but The Hoff always seemed to be cool even with the swagger and curly hair. They even made a reboot/remake of the series which I have to admit I enjoyed for all it's cheesy moments and nice cars.

Airwolf delivered some nice helicopter action at a weekend and Street Hawk attempted to deliver motorbike action - I was less than convinced about this series.

Action TV has not gone away but has evolved in many ways into more action/drama type programmes. There is way more drama for example in the CSI programmes although Miami attempts to create more Action than the others with its glitz, high speed Hummer moments and lots of explosions. In the same way NCIS: Los Angeles delivers way more action than the original NCIS.

So perhaps it is the cheesy action that I crave, after all I am a big fan of The Expendables, Tango & Cash, Universal Soldier etc and these have their moments of Mozzarella.

I referred earlier to Action Man, the eagle eyed doll which many of us owned as a child. I'm guessing that once we had chosen our outfit for our Action Man, perhaps even lucky enough to have the vehicles too; our Action Men were thrown around the garden or the urban environment (house) just like their real counterparts. Often the 'eagle eyes' would cease to function after being blinded by a flashbang, no sorry that's being covered in mud, the limbs would become loser, more adaptive as they fought to defend what was right; oh wait hold on, I mean loose because they didn't really like being thrown against the wall. Occasionally they would suffer a terminal injury from defusing the bomb to save the world, no wait, wrong again that was just because if you pulled and twisted too far, their leg falls off.

Anyhow, onto our screens came the real Action Man character and 'No' I don't mean G.I. Channing!

I have been lucky enough to watch this series in High Definition and it has been very, very pretty and that includes our Action Man hero! The scenery in the series showed perfectly why this is a destination of choice for many. The characters in the series are nothing new, quirky funny back up characters, terrible despicable criminals, partners who initially do not like each other, a team of misfits hand picked oh and of course each has a back story which needs to raise it's head often. The weapons, vehicles and set pieces in the series have of course not disappointed the Action Junky either. Finally it has what all great Action series need, a conspiracy!

Someone once commented on Facebook about the series and I think it sums it up perfectly The 'O' in the title, definitely stood for 'Obvious'.

But that's the beauty of this type of series, its an escape, a moment we can take our brains out and just vegetate on the sofa. It's not big and its not clever, although by God, it tries to take itself serious. Our very own Action Man can drive like Senna, fly a helicopter like TC in Magnum P.I. He can track the bad guys using the woods, mountain climb, deep sea dive, a master in martial arts, weapons & tactics. He is an all round Dude - struggles sometimes spotting the 'Obvious' but hey we all have flaws right.

It has been a nice change to many of the dramas I watch and yes, I look forward to the next season and some more time to 'take out the brain'.

As reboots/remakes go this one hit the spot well -

Friday, 15 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite Animation.

Obvious choice here would be The Simpsons. This show has no doubt become integrated into virtually everyones lives. The humour, the reality and the simple genius of the show sets the standard not only for animated shows but for many shows on television.

If you simply look at the famous cameo roles that have taken place it amazes to see so many people clamber to become a yellow citizen of Springfield. The shows openings are genius, the couch moment, the saxophone tune, the till register and of course the blackboard (oooh how non-pc of me - showing my age too) all make up the magic of the show. If you look at Cougar Town, it has clearly copied elements from this show with its ever changing titles.

Since I was young cartoons as they were known became a staple part of my TV diet. Shows like Transformers and He-Man are still great to watch now. You only have to look at the success (that's right Kermode - SUCCESS!!!!) of the Transformers movies to see that the appeal has not gone, just evolved with the technology. He-Man - erm, let's leave it there.

Technology has played a major part in the evolution of animated favourites. You'll have to forgive my chronological timeline here but this will emphasise the point.

Spider-man - back in the 70s (I think) there was this - apparently 'He Comes Alive' and 'You'll see it all'. How exciting - cue the disappointment. Then we have this - you'll be humming that tune for days now - sorry. Eventually the animated series reaches the levels we expect in modern day times Of course you have the movie trilogy which was as a huge Spider-man fan a spine-tingling event. Despite some of the obvious flaws, like for example Spider-Man 3 having way too many bad guys at once they have been a triumph.

Batman too, my favourite super-hero has also been through some significant changes due to technology.

Ka-pow! through to Heath Ledger (R.I.P.) via the animated series and original movies - I'm trying not to throw things at the thought of George and Val!

So animated TV has grown with the times, yet today I would be hard pushed to choose a favourite. There are shows I dip in and out of such as Family Guy which makes me chuckle when I watch it but I do not watch them religiously. There is South Park which kept me amused for a while until it became a simple idea of how to shock the audience the most or at least that's what happened in my eyes.

I know there have been plenty of others and I welcome suggestions as always, I guess though for me it will always be the simple shows that you remember with fondness;

Oh I just remembered I do like this as well;

Parental Advisory Lryics!! -

Thursday, 14 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite Soap Opera show.

So you will have undoubtedly read my about my intense dislike of Soap Operas in previous posts. Rest assured, I will not be rehashing these thoughts.

In situations like this where one must choose something they do not believe in or decide on something they have no love for I often say to myself; "What would Brett Michaels do?". Actually, I have never said that but hey it's my blog and it could all be lies!

So I have a choice and it's not really a Soap Opera. However before I full admit to cheating once more let us see if I can shoehorn this in.

Set in a hospital - check!
Doctors (good looking) - check!
Nurses (also good looking) - check!
Tormented characters - check!
Perfect, righteous characters - check!
Death - check!
Sadness & Loss - check!
Drug addictions - check!
Tangled love lives - check!
Huge set piece disasters - check!

10 key elements to build an Opera made of Soap.

The series ran for years (1994 - 2009) and gave us some major Hollywood stars. It merged together all the elements needed for a great drama and somehow mixed this with elements of Soap Opera without detrimentally affecting the storyline. Throughout the years we saw love lives grow, love lives shattered, people killed off, key characters battle their own demons, be it drink, drugs or illness. There were episodes set in other countries such as the Democratic (I smirk at this title!) Republic of Congo and went on to help raise awareness of key issues affecting the people there including civil war.

The series focussed on other major issues such as AIDS or Racism helping to raise awareness and inform the audience whilst not patronising them.

When the series ended (and one major star returned - no spoilers as always) it was a truly sad episode. Perhaps in some ways a historical episode, meaning that it will be preserved as one of the great TV shows ever created - perhaps?

I still remember a key scene from a key episode leading to the almost total demise of a main character. It involved a stabbing in the hospital and the affects and aftermath. It was truly an epic episode and filled with heart rendering and sad moments. It also for me highlighted the dangers that hospital staff face every day and reminded me that they do not get enough thanks and recognition for the work they do.

Wikipedia has a great page on this superb series

Was it a Soap Opera, Casualty and Holby City; one would assume aspire to reach the heights that this ground breaking drama reached. So in essence, if they are classed as Soap Operas then this series must fall into the same category. I cannot help but feel it deserves a much better place than amongst these - STOP IT - I promised to to recover old ground!


Soap Opera - phew - I think I got away with it...

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite Drama.

So after the interruption to proceedings I am back to decide which Drama on TV I think is my favourite. Once again this challenge brings me to a Sophie's Choice, after all I have already named so many Dramas I enjoy watching.

So I guess the question is, what decides if the programme is a Drama or a Thriller? Are C.S.I. shows classed as drama or thriller? Are they not both to some degree?

The definition of a drama is;

a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue orpantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character,especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.
the branch of literature having such compositions as itssubject; dramatic art or representation.
the art dealing with the writing and production of plays.

So I pick here the 'conflict or contrast of character reference to help me narrow down my choice.

I like conflicted characters. It might stem from my younger days as I watched Darth Vader attempt to regain some of his humanity (hopefully no spoiler there!) or perhaps Rick in Casablanca struggling to stay on the fence and yet unable to wrestle his conscience and remain impartial.

Shows I have mentioned previously, House, Luther and Lie To Me all star as a central role characters with inner conflict. I think it adds to the drama, I think it takes the shows to that level beyond a simple thriller. Of course each show has an element of thriller within it. This adds to the excitement and enjoyment of watching but it is always ramped up, accentuated by the turmoil our central characters go through that simply adds that extra dimension.

My choice today is not therefore an unsurprising one. What perhaps makes the show different from the others is that ultimately this show contains a whole set of characters who are conflicted in some way. To be fair, they are no where nearly as conflicted as our main 'Hero'.

And there I have it - the debate point, the spark that makes this show so bright.

We, the audience are with him all the way. We support, like, maybe love the character. We forgive the flaws and the mistakes and relate to his stress of life, the job, the family. We sympathise with him, we make him our HERO. And yet, after all this I catch myself, fleetingly, briefly questioning - isn't this guy a serial killer!?

That is the magic of the show - a brother, a son, a father, a husband, a man in a responsible job, a crucial job is actually a very, very poorly man (in the head!).

The acting in the series is brilliant. Not too serious, not to too hammed up, plenty of dark, black humour and there needs to be considering how many deaths there are. The supporting characters all play their parts beautifully and our central character is brilliant - how else would we be rooting for the serial killer for all this time?

If you have never watched this series then I urge you to do so. - Parental Advisory Lyrics!

Monday, 11 July 2011

30 Day Challenge -TV Shows

Dear All

Due to riots and a new banking crisis affecting the inhabitants of Fraggle Rock, all Blogs have been delayed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

In the meantime please do re-read any of my previous posts and encourage your friends to read & follow these ramblings. Thank you.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

No one expects you to like.

Reality TV. Am I a fan or not? I can't decide. Why am I so indecisive about this, let's look at the facts.

Every year some utter Pop music dross is created and let loose into the world. It is the kind of music I choose to ignore and would never choose to listen to, go and see live (Hmm Live - there's another can of worms) or purchase. And yet, every year I tune in to see the car crash television moments at the audition stages. Be it, American Idol, X Factor or Must Be The Music from the car crash moments I get hooked. I know every year that this is the hook, where and how they get you. Slipping in that one person who can sing well live and is different (not Cher 'weirdo' Lloyd different but Daughtry different) and that you want to see progress through the weeks to ultimately triumph or crumble before our eyes.

I have in the past watched a series of Big Brother, the one with Kate Lawlor in. It was ok, weird people in unnatural circumstances slowly going stir crazy - if you like people watching, and I do, then this kind of voyeur television is just the ticket. The problem for me is that it gets old and boring. We've seen it, in many cases on Big Brother, we've seen it all (Kinga *vomit), however the TV stations and the Davinas of this world do not realise that the audience has seen enough. They try and up the anti, try and become so over the top and enthusiastic about a series that, for me anyway, it becomes overbearing and cringe worthy.

The new breed of shows, and so some of my friends who read this will know where this is going, are reality shows about real people, in 'real' situations, doing normal stuff that we all do.

The Only Way is Essex took its lead I guess from the American shows, The Hills, Jersey Shore etc. These ideas were born out of Beverley Hills 90210 perhaps? Let's take the fictitious show and design a real life version - we give you posh, rich people doing stuff in great Cities around the world - The Hills was born.

Now before I say anything about these shows - I have never seen TOWIE, I cannot stand The Hills and the people in Jersey Shore are just plain dumb! Like I said though, I haven't actually watched any of these.

BUT - and it's a big BUT (I've got Sir Mix-a-Lot going round in my head now!) There was one show that caught my eye (well I'll be honest a couple of the pretty ladies on it caught my eye). Having worked and spent some time in London I have always been fascinated by the rich and their lifestyles in London.

When I was much younger, a friend of mine introduced me to the word 'Sloane' which at the time described the rich, trendy types who frequented the Mayfair, Kensington and Chelsea areas.

The fascination began and when I saw the adverts for Made In Chelsea I was hooked.

It is always great to see how the other half live. To see the restaurants, bars and clubs that although I wouldn't necessarily choose to frequent are interesting to see inside of. I don't think I'll ever go to a Polo match and spend my time 'divoting' whilst sipping Champagne or Pimms. I don't think I'll ever be chauffeur driven in a Rolls Royce Phantom and I definitely don't have friends that I could or they could whip us away to Cannes for a weekend without a care in the world. I'm pretty sure my best guy mates don't have any jumpers with Pink Pigs on, or are bi-sexual or wear makeup - actually one does wear professionally done nail polish!

Made in Chelsea became a firm favourite of my weekly TV schedule, tweeting about it whilst watching it, discussing the pros and cons of the characters with friends and colleagues, trying and failing to convince!/_Lalabum that it is worth watching.

What surprised me the most about watching Made in Chelsea was that it highlighted one of my failings. It made me realise that I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to judging a book by its cover. The assumption about someone based purely on appearance (and a number of the write ups prior to the show) is truly a failing and as a supporter of the S.O.P.H.I.E charity - I was surprised.

Let me quickly explain, anyone who saw the series will probably understand. Let's take Ollie as an example. A makeup wearing (face, neck and abs!), long haired individual (not in a Metal or Rock way) with a very interesting dress sense (Pig Jumper & Bright Yellow Ski Suit), he also looked the spitting image of his girlfriend. From the look and the description given in the Radio Times write up a character that I assumed would be annoying. How wrong was I? Ollie was brilliant, so funny, so entertaining and quite simply one of the best characters in the series. Book, judge, never, a, its, by, cover - rearrange!!

Then there was Hugo and Spencer - a double act of best mates with designer beards which in Spencer's case came and went like the sun and moon. Rich beyond belief, off to Cannes at the drop of a hat etc, etc. Turns out Hugo was a complete Dude, said the right things, was very funny and pointed out the misgivings of his best mate on many occasion. Would Spencer be as good? - would he hell. Playing love life games, immature games and.... (no plot spoilers here)

So my choice for today, something you wouldn't have expected me to like which taught me a lesson about misjudging people

In my defence - I did call Francis right.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite on screen couple.

So I've already talked about a number of on screen couples. House & Cuddy, Benson & Stabler, Buffy & Angel.

There of course some great couples which will stand the test of time as the giants of the on screen TV partnerships, Marge & Homer for example. They represent so many households and the situations of married life, family life and work life we all experience. Naturally it's the writers that get the credit and I can't really say that the actors deliver this - they are after all only cartoons - no really, they are cartoons.

Laurel & Hardy - comedy geniuses. An on screen partnership so brilliant that like other TV gems such as Morecambe & Wise, Del Boy & Rodney, The Two Ronnies we will all remember them for generations.

Will anyone remember my choice for this in generations to come - we shall have to see.

The story is not new, far from it. A love story of two very different characters, two different backgrounds. Set in a world of opposing sides our two starring characters must work hard to get their love to succeed. They have to overcome the hostility towards their relationship, they have to overcome the difficulties of understanding each other and each others differences. The forces of nature and human alike which try to pull them apart.

Romeo & Juliet, Buffy & Angel, Dracula & Mina Harker, Bella & Edward (sparkles in the sun FFS!)

As with many new takes on old stories the action, the drama, the sex has been ramped up to 11. The ridiculous is made believable and every character has a story and a part to play. From what I have heard, there is plenty more to come too.

The next challenge is 'Guilty Pleasure' which I have covered before so here is a link to the previous post

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite show from America.

As you have no doubt gathered from previous blog posts I enjoy the American TV imports very much.

I have already told you how I enjoy the C.S.I. range of shows, House, Law & Order: SVU, Lie To Me. I am really enjoying the reboot of Hawaii Five-0 and very much enjoy NCIS, preferring the Los Angeles version to the original.

So how do I choose a favourite from all the shows I enjoy, if I add in Cougar Town, Fairly Legal, True Blood, Dexter...this could go on all day.

I have to really name the shows that grip me at the moment. It's easy to reminisce on shows that have past, and to a degree some of those shows will remain true favourites, but as I write this, for me anyway, it is easier to choose a current show.

Over recent months there was a huge, I mean, massive campaign for the launch of a new Sky channel, Sky Atlantic. There really couldn't have been more promotion, it was Will & Kate epic!

Not only did they promote the whole channel but the real draw - the shows coming to the channel. The trailers for these were played over & over again. Shows such as Boardwalk Empire with the mighty Steve Buscemi, Treme, with John Goodman and Blue Bloods with Tom Selleck. WOW - this is going to be mega!

As it turns out, in my little world anyway, it wasn't :-(

Boardwalk Empire was a watchable series, reminiscent of the Godfather or The Untouchables it played out in a slow and measured pace. Steve Buscemi, whom I have always enjoyed watching (Mr Pink, Garland Greene - classic roles), delivered a superb performance and he was backed up by some equally good actors. Trouble was, whilst The Godfather too is measured and slow, it also only lasts for around 3 hours. Boardwalk was 12 episodes, where if I think back - not a lot really happened.

Treme??? There is little to say, I just didn't get it. I managed the first two episodes. The real disappointing fact is that I have a real sympathy for the people of New Orleans. They were devastated by nature and if what I have read and watched is true, left to rebuild on their own. I admire the community and the people for showing the world what it is to overcome such tragedy and to rebuild with such pride. So when Treme was advertised I could see myself enjoying the series as we watched the community come together to overcome the odds and rebuild their lives. As it was the series was so dull, for me it just didn't work.

I had recently enjoyed a series called K-Ville which was also set in New Orleans and was a good old cops and robbers type of series. I look forward to series two.

And so this brings me to Blue Bloods with our main man Magnum P.I. As Meatloaf sang, 'Two out of three, ain't bad', I can only think that this would read for Sky Atlantic. 'Two out of three ARE bad' (hum the tune if that helps).

Blue Bloods is excellent. It mixes the style of series I like so much. A kind of Hill Street Blues meets Law & Order. Whilst the series had the obligatory underlying conspiracy moving through it, this never distracted from the stories or the characters. Tom Selleck whilst being great, is only so great beacause of the characters around him. Marky Mark's brother New Kid on the Block Donnie Wahlberg is superb as the Detective and his brother as the beat cop, acted by Will Estes plays his role very well. There are great characters also delivered by Bridget Moynahan and Len Cariou completing the 'always on the job' police family.

My second choice (its my prerogative - oooh Bobby Brown just popped into my head) would be The Chicago Code. A brilliantly crafted police drama set in Chicago (duh!) dealing with an elite team set out to fight corruption within the city. The focus, revolves around a specially chosen maverick cop, hand picked by the female police superintendent (Jennifer Flashdance Beals) who go after the Alderman Gibbons (the cool cat himself Delroy Lindo). Throw into the mix, complicated love lives, twist and turns, undercover cops and lots of voiceovers to give us back story, this is a compelling and thrilling series. Too bad from what I have seen it has not been recommissioned.

This site lists the shows that have been cancelled and there are some shockers; The Chicago Code, Lie To Me & Law & Order:L.A. which we haven't even seen in the UK yet.

Two choices today, two great series.

Monday, 4 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite show from England.

Well I've harped on enough about my severe dislike for soap operas so it will not be one of those.

I have watched a view TV dramas in my years which I do or did enjoy. I was partial to A Touch of Frost where I thought David Jason played the character very well indeed.

Of course there was the master John Thaw as Inspector Morse which then spawned Lewis. I was never a huge avid watcher of these but the episodes I did watch were perfectly decent. The trouble for me is that most British Drama I have seen heads towards the Sunday evening level of drama, Midsommer style and it for me lacks the edge that our friends across the pond muster up.

There have been exceptions that I have watches, for example Vice with Ken Stott was very dark and twisted with great storylines and characters. Whitechapel was also a great series. Spooks managed for a long time to keep up with the Americans for thrills and spills but for me took the twists and turns way to far and way to often losing some of it's edge.

It is to these style of dramas that I turn my attention.

Firstly a glaring problem, the addressing perhaps of the proverbial elephant in the room. Law & Order: UK - seriously????? Total rubbish, a Law & Order embarrassment - I rest my case.

So back to dark & twisted. Flawed characters of course, thrills and spills, a brilliantly crafted, shot and acted piece of work. Pure far fetched madness - not a Sunday evening in sight.

The fabulous:

Friday, 1 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - TV Shows

Favourite TV show from Australia.

Dear oh dear, this isn't going to be pretty.

What can I choose between, Erinsborough or Summer Bay. Perhaps, Rescue Special Ops which was recently on a Sky channel - hmmm. There is of course Sons and Daughters which ran for a massive 972 episodes - did anyone manage to watch them all - medals to be awarded.

It's fair to say that I watch very little television from our distant cousins.

So in all emergencies like this I am simply going to cheat!

Anyone watched The Mentalist? Good isn't it? Light hearted, even with the undertone of revenge against the serial killer that killed a wife and child, its a funny and entertaining show offering some nice, clever ending reveals akin to Columbo (R.I.P. Peter Falk).

How am I cheating, some of you will know already, well Patrick Jane, played by Simon Baker - he's Australian you know!

So on-ya mate there's my cheating choice - The Mentalist! - Not quite, fair dinkum but no worries hey! (apply Aussie accent to this sentence for the full effect)