Tuesday, 8 March 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day Three

A song that makes you happy

I wanted to choose something by Glee for this one but I'm saving that choice for later in the challenge.

It's easy to knock Glee for being twee and well a bit rubbish but it's just enjoyable escapism really whilst also dealing with a number of big issues in a manner that people can relate to (aside from the breaking into song moments). Plus it's kind of fun and most of the other programmes I watch involve detectives, guns, murder & autopsy!

So I thought long and hard about which song makes me happy (well about 24hrs). It could be my first dance song from my wedding - but that comes later in the challenge. It could be a song from my childhood but once more that comes later.

After much thought, I decided on the song at about 4.00a.m. this morning when I couldn't get back to sleep and was listening to the http://www.onemetal.com/ podcast.

The song that I can sing to with one of my closest friends, MC style. The song that wherever you are, whatever mood you're in, whatever the weather, time or date, the first three opening bars bring a smile to your face and your body begins to move - it can only be;


Enjoy people and keep smiling :-)

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