Sunday, 13 March 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day Eight

A song you know all the words to.

What a challenge, I have such a vast collection of music from a wide range of genres. I know the words to many songs from all of these genres.

So the challenge is choosing is an impressive song perhaps, one with so many words that it would astound people - nah; that would be stupid, so I think about those songs I really love.

Lately I've been listening to the new Bring Me The Horizon album, and album with such ferocity and anger in it that even my Mum loves it! And, I'd like to say that I know all the words, never stumbling. never stammering Bertie style (ooh the topical humour surprises even me!) but the truth is I don't and I resort to the CD case lyrics again and again. To be honest with BMTH reading the lyrics helps more often than not, clarifying the songs sentiment and helping the listener appreciate the angst. This is to me is the point, lyrics are so powerful that they propel the audience to a place where the song makes sense, somewhere the audience can relate to the moments being described, they create happiness, sadness, laughter, pain and tell so many stories. Learning the lyrics to a song is easy when you can relate to the words, it also shows your dedication to the band.

Then there are songs like Bohemian Rhapsody which truth be told I do know all the words to having been listening to this song since it's release 1975. To be fair at 2 I didn't really understand the lyrics and Beelzebub wasn't one of my first words although that would have been very cool. There were however many later holidays in France with parents when Queen was a staple diet on the journeys often mixed in with some E.L.O. - les bons moments.

There are songs I have already mentioned in previous Blogs - House of Pain's 'Jump Around' can be successfully duetted in an MC style by myself and a good friend - sometimes there are some missed lyrics but mostly that's caused by the alcohol which accompanies the evening. There are even Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg tracks I could happily sing too in full.

But the time has come for me to choose a song I know all the words to and amongst all of the songs I can claim for this there is one that I can say hand on heart that I do every time I hear and sing it, yup it's Poison's 'Every Rose Has it's Thorn' - just kidding (but I do know them all!).

Last night Mrs. Nik and I spent some time out with our closest friends, it was, as always, a brilliant evening and during the evening we discussed other friends some of whom have moved away with family to other parts of the UK. This means that in some cases the interaction between the circle of friends diminishes over time. But true friends will always be there when you need them and for me this is summed up by one song. A song I heard in college and immediately took as a 'Mates' anthem.

I know all the words and sing the song loud when it's played, and yes the sentiment can be called cheesy but with the sh!t going on in the world today aren't friends and family the one thing we all need to count on?

Enjoy and learn those words

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